Our Projects


Dissemination of Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) Canarumwe around Nyungwe and Gishwati-Mukura National Parks

Through collaboration of local authorities under financial support of Critial Ecosystem Partnership Fund(CEPF) and LIKANO Gmb, ARECO-RWANDA NZIZA has distributed and monitored 91000 improved stoves stoves in Rutsiro,Ngororero, Rusizi and Nyamagabe Districts from 2015 to 2024.

The aim of the project was to reduce biomass fuel consumption to address deforestation, landscape degradation, and climate change.
Beneficiriaries were poor househols who received one stove per family.

Adoption of Canarumwe stove offers the benefit to reduce half of used fuel wood and helps children to properly attend schools while women can have time to participate to development activities.
It also reduces indoor pollution that affects more children and old people.

Our achievements

Natural resource and Biodiversity
Agriculture and forest landscape restoration